Crisis could lead to confusion
I have heard and seen many post on Social media this past week that could be the source of confusion within the body of Christ. In South Africa we are going into Lockdown on the 26th of March 2020 @ midnight and many of us are trying to make sense of this.Â
Needless to say we will turn to the Word of God for some peace and comfort, and so we should. What we shouldn't be doing is spread confusion by interpreting the Word of God in such a way that it is pulled out of context. This will leave people with a false sense of hope instead of being steadfast on the foundation of Jesus.Â
Example of pulling things out of context.
One of the scriptures going around is Isaiah 26:20
'Come, my people, enter your chambers, And shut your doors behind you; Hide yourself, as it were, for a little moment, Until the indignation is past. For behold, the Lord comes out of His place To punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity; The earth will also disclose her blood, And will no more cover her slain.
Now it is easy to take this verse out of context and say it is God's will for us to be in Lockdown. Especially in South Africa, because we are going in lockdown on the 26th of March 2020. Is God saying we should be in Lockdown because it is written in chapter 26:20? NO, I have a huge problem with this type of interpretations of scripture. Here are my reasons:
1. This verse, in context was given to God's nation, His people, the ones in Covenant with Him. It is part of a prophetic song that will be sung by Judah (those in covenant with God) in that day [Isa 26:1](a day still to come), about the deliverance that will be accomplished when God does what was stated in verse 8 of Isaiah 25;
Isa 25:8 says that he 'He will swallow up death forever, And the Lord God will wipe away tears from all faces; The rebuke of His people He will take away from all the earth; For the Lord has spoken.'
2. Isa 25:8 clearly mentions the work that Jesus did on the cross when He swallowed up death. It is prophetically speaking about Christ and not just that but His complete work. So Isaiah is looking forward towards the cross, (a work yet to be done) but we, as we read these verses today, are looking backwards to the cross (a work already accomplished). If this is the case then the chambers that Isaiah speaks of [Isa 26:20], the chambers that we run to today, in our situation; is our relationship with the Lord (He is our salvation, He is our safety and He is our peace). The doors the we shut, speaks of the way we used to live; We shut the door on sin and on the things of this world. The hiding we do for a little while talks about our daily hiding we find in the presence of the Lord until our Lord and Saviour returns. Not our physical houses in the case of a pandemic.Â
3. Lockdown in South Africa and the rest of the world as currently the case: is mandatory for all people, not just Children of God. Therefor we cannot take this verse as confirmation of the lockdown and going into our houses. In doing so we are interpreting this verse out of fear and unbelief only looking for a sign that we should be going into lockdown, thinking that our homes and the safety of our houses wil safe us from natural death. Be encourage that you are eternally safe in the hands of Jesus. Death has no hold on the children of God. We do not fear natural death because we are eternally secure in his secret place.
Psalms 27:5 'For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion; In the secret place of His tabernacle He shall hide me; He shall set me high upon a rock.'
4. What about all the other Christians around the world that went into lockdown but not in the 26th? does this verse exclude them? Can you see that interpreting verses out of context for our current situation can cause plenty of confusion.
5. Many other stories in the Bible are currently being used as encouragement of why we have to sit in lockdown; (Noah, Passover etc). All these stories have great ability to bring courage in difficult times and we should definitely encourage one another through scriptures. BUT I would like to remind you that these stories have one central theme: His name is Jesus, the Name above all names. We cannot replace Jesus with anything else. Nothing else has the ability to save us, only Jesus.
6. We don't need a supernatural reason to go into lockdown, we just need to be obedient, law abiding citizens. As children of God we are called to be an example and the best thing you could do in this time is to stay at home and pray.Â
What you are thinking in a time of crisis is of utmost importance.
In Philippians 4 paul writes to the church and tells them that they should not be anxious for nothing, but that they should build themselves up in their most holy faith, pray in the Spirit and to keep themselves in the love of God. He then practically gives a final exhortation in Phil 4:8-9
Philippians 4:8-9 'Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.'
When I read this portion of scripture I can see that what we focus on is of utmost importance, not just in times of crisis but everyday and every season of our lives. In actual fact Paul exhorts us to go deeper than just thinking but he encourages us to meditate on these things. Meditation is not just casually thinking on things but it is thinking about things in such a manner, that it will direct our actions and change our innermost beings. It is thinking with understanding and knowledge. It means to think in order to decide, to come to a conclusion; My mind is made up, no confusion, I have weighed up all the options, I have clearly considered all the outcomes and I have made a concrete decision.Â
So what Paul is saying is; whatever is true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous and praiseworthy, let these things fill your mind in such a way that you will have understanding of what they are and get understanding of what they are in such a way that that you will not be confused on these matters. He then continues to say that the things the Philippians saw him do and learned from him, those things, they should do. This can only mean that Paul had confidence in the fact that he obtained knowledge and understanding on the things that are good, noble, just etc, in such a way that it was manifested in his works.
You see the moment you realise that those things (true, noble, just, pure, lovely, good report, virtue, praise worthiness) are all fulfilled in ONE person Jesus, then you are truly getting to the place where real change occurs. Â
In the crisis of COVID -19 I want to encourage you to think and meditate, fill your thoughts and dreams with everything that is:
True - Jesus (I am the way, the TRUTH & the life John 14:6)
Noble - Jesus (King of kings & Lord of lords Revelation 19:16)
Just - Jesus (God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ Romans 2:16)
Pure - Jesus (Those with hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure 1Jn 3:3)
Lovely - Jesus (Yes, he is altogether lovely. Song of Solomon 5:16)
Good report - Jesus (Philip told them about the good news of Jesus Acts 8:35)
Virtue - Jesus (No deceit was found in His mouth 1 Pet 2:22)
Praise Worthy - Jesus (Worthy is the Lamb of all praise Rev 5:12)
When Paul ended with this exhortation he finished with the words: and the God of peace will be with you. We need peace that surpasses understanding in times like these. We don't need to be more confused in this time, we need to be focused and secure in Jesus. I implore you to study the Word, Pray in the Spirit, connect with the Elders if you are unsure about interpretation and most of all see Jesus, he is absolutely amazing.
Be Blessed and Be safe
Claude Swanepoel