We are drawing closer to the end of a whole month in Lockdown and what a month it has been. We have been dumped into a new way of existence into a new way of thinking and planning. It has caused a rollercoaster ride in most our hearts, stirring up many questions with little answers in return. Many of us are still trying to make sense of what is going on. I have been observing many different approaches to dealing with this unprecedented time in our history. The more I connect with people around me, one thing that is very apparent; the fact that people find themselves in times of trouble. Whether it is on the financial front or relationships stress, many are struggling to keep their hope secure. David is one person from Biblical history who understood the feeling of walls closing in on him, who knew times of trouble.
Psalm 3:1-6 'O Lord , how many are my foes! Many are rising against me; many are saying of my soul, “There is no salvation for him in God.” Selah But you, O Lord , are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head. I cried aloud to the Lord , and he answered me from his holy hill. Selah I lay down and slept; I woke again, for the Lord sustained me. I will not be afraid of many thousands of people who have set themselves against me all around. '
In this portion of scripture we can see that David's trouble was at such a pinnacle point in his life, that people around him had no hope for him. You know that people are against you when they condemn your soul to eternal destruction (verse 2). Those who have troubled him and rose up against him have increased exponentially. David's way of dealing with his trouble, by turning to God, even attracted criticism from people around him. Maybe you are facing increased troubles, from every side of your life. Maybe you are experiencing criticism from friends and family because you want to deal with your troubles in a Godly manner. I want to encourage you with this scripture today. Even if you are not facing any troubles in this time, I believe this scripture will bless you today. Three Things God Does, That Will Give You Comfort I love how David acknowledges the reality of his situations and then he turns the focus on what God does and how big God is in comparison to his troubles. David never allowed the situation to overcome him. He understood who God was and what it is that God does, for His children. 1. God is the shield that surrounds me The Message Translation says that God shields me from all sides and the Passion Translation explains that God takes me and surrounds me, with Himself. God does not call up His storeroom staff to issue me one of His warrior shields out of His armoury, no no no , He is the shield (Gen 15:1,Deut 33:29) Powerful thought. Also, God is no normal shield of war that only protects me from onslaughts in front, NO. God even protects me from the enemies I don't see. God is a mighty shield that protects me securely within Himself, eternally. When troubles are overwhelming I can have the assurance that my eternal life, my future existence, is protected and shielded in the Lord. God with His eternal protection and shielding becomes my glory. The very fact that He protects me with Himself becomes my glory, and that in turn becomes a testimony, for His glory. 2. God is the lifter of my head When I don't have the strength to even lift my head, when shame has knocked at my door and the trauma of failure has caused my heart to cease; God is the One that will lift my head. He will restore me and give me a reason to smile again, to hope again, to believe again. I have tried to find joy in the systems of man, I have tried to make my reputation through the honour that people give. I will tell you this; when troubles come, all honour disappears and the reputation you received, quickly jumps ship to the newest flavour in town. When you are truly downcast, when you struggle to lift your head to see in a new day you still have the promise that God is the lifter of your head. You might be out for the count, you might be knocked down, but don't dispair, the Almighty One is in this fight with you, He will lift your head (Ps 27:5-6). 3. He is the One who answers when we cry to Him. The third thing that God will do is that He will Hear you. David says that when He cried aloud to the Lord, He answered him from His holy mountain. Crying out to God might be embarrassing to some, it might even eat away at the pride of man, but I tell you what; it is the best thing you can decide to do, in your times of trouble. David was dependent on God, it showed by his willingness to cry out to God. David was a humble man and it showed, because he knew that the answer did not lie in himself but only in God. David was a godly man and it showed through his unwillingness to please man, He knew God as the source of his whole existence. Oh how I wish that the men in our country would truly humble themselves, bow their knees (literally), tuck away their pride and start crying out, aloud to the Lord!! He promise to hear us. He does not hear and then turns his head and do nothing about it. NO, God Answers from His holy Hill. The promise here is that He will give you supernatural guidance from His holy hill. The holy hill speaks of the presence of God. As we seek Him, as we spend time in His presence, as we grow more dependent on Him, God bestows on us Spiritual understanding and wisdom. He answers from His presence. His ways are higher than the ways of man. As you find yourself totally in surrender to Him, you will also hear the still voice of God in your heart, that evaporates all fear (Ps 34:4). I believe that we, the ones who truly seek Him, will receive new avenues of business and ways to operate with success within this global economic crisis. Other people will lose sleep and worry, but because we trust in God, because we know who He is and what He does, we will lay down and sleep (verse 5). He is the One that sustains me, He is the One that provides in all my needs (Spirit, Soul & Body). When others become afraid because of the troubles that surround them, we will not be afraid. Even if the enemy comes in like a flood we know that the Spirit of the Lord will raise up a standard against him. He is the One that shields me, He is the One protects me. May you experience the peace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, as you call upon his Name. The Name above all other names. He is faithful and He is just. He is true.
Yes what a powerful reminder to us that our God is so much on it to protect us